Bug Reports

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Using “Freeze To World” with “VRC Parent Constraint” causes the offsets to become incorrect.
When "Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen" is turned on in the "VRC Parent Constraint," and "Freeze To World" is activated from the animation system to freeze the object in the world, the offsets become incorrect. I created a simple gimmick similar to the one shown in the Developer Update video ( https://ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-update-30-may-2024/24821 "VRChat Constraints Revisited") and tested it. The video is attached. The first half of the video shows the scene with "Freeze To World" being used while "Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen" is turned off. The second half of the video shows "Freeze To World" being used with "Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen" turned on. In the second half of the video, the cube moves instantly when "Freeze To World" is activated. The offsets are not rebaked to maintain the positional relationship between the hand and the cube, which leads me to believe there might be a bug in the "Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen" option. --- ”VRC Parent Constraint”の”Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen”をオンにした状態で、アニメーションから”Freeze To World”を操作してオブジェクトをワールド固定するとオフセットが狂います。 以下のDeveloper Updateで紹介されている動画( https://ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-update-30-may-2024/24821 ”VRChat Constraints Revisited”で紹介されている動画)と同じようなシンプルなギミックを作って検証してみました。その動画を添付します。 動画の前半は”Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen”をオフにして”Freeze To World”を操作するシーンです。 後半は”Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen”をオンにして”Freeze To World”を操作するシーンです。 動画後半では”Freeze To World”を操作するとキューブが瞬間的に移動しています。 手とキューブの位置関係を維持するようなオフセットのリベイクは行われず、おかしな挙動をしていることから”Rebake Offsets When Unfrozen”のオプションにバグがあるのではと推察いたします。 build number 1552


Local-only avatar contacts vanishing after changing avatars in populated instances
Enter a popular instance with any avatar with lots of local-only contacts (the one I was testing is avatar ID: [avtr_c701d721-8543-4f4e-a524-d34c52eb545b]. If you do use this, be sure to enter the expressions menu, enable the "Combat" setting, and choose the Guardian Sword/Shield weapon option to most easily see the contacts. That is what the pictures attached are of). Enable your debug overlay so you can see contacts (the avatar above, if you have the Guardian Sword/Shield equipped, should have a receiver on the hilt of the sword on your left hip). Swap to any other avatar (I swapped into both [avtr_afa9d203-c185-4eb1-8933-b37eb75ae711] and [avtr_3a96e532-d5bd-4925-a92b-ab55a1d0b45e], both avatars with high local-only contact counts due to a cross-interactive health system. Both were afflicted by the bug). Swap back into the avatar with lots of local-only contacts. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you can no longer see local-only contacts. The more people with contact-heavy avatars, the faster the bug seems to happen (a friend testing with duplicates of the avatar ID in step 1 had only 4 people in the instance and the bug happened immediately). Sometimes only some of the local contacts vanish, not all of them. Strangely all nonlocal contacts remain present. This only affects local contacts. Rejoining the instance will return the local contacts, but only while you are in the avatar. They begin vanishing when you start swapping avatars again. First image is alone in a home world. The second image is of the same avatar after swapping out of and then back into it while in a populated Black Cat instance. This bug seemed to be happening in the previous build as well, but much less consistently. I was unable to reproduce it then and only encountered it a couple of times until the current build 1553. On a personal note: My whole gimmick as a creator is touch and motion-based avatars that have high amounts of cross-interaction using lots of local contacts, so having the very backbone of my entire creation style become completely unusable after swapping avatars is infuriating, to say the least. I hope this is resolved soon.
Untrusted URLs (Video Player Allowed Domains) is limited to 10, which is too few.
I am not in favor of a uniform Untrusted URL restriction in Public instances, but I tried to add Video Player Allowed Domains anyway. However, I was only able to add up to 10. This is too few! For example, nicovrc.net , a service for proxy viewing of videos from video sites that cannot be played normally, supports Nico Nico Douga, bilibili Douga, TikTok, and many other platforms, with different domains redirected to each platform. You must allow at least 6 URLs to function properly. And just to play a video on X (Twitter), you have to allow x.com and video.twimg.com . Ten is a number that fills up quickly and is not practical. I think it is necessary to either make the number of Video Player Allowed Domains registrations virtually unlimited (e.g., 100) or to make it possible to have a deny list instead of an allow list. 私はPublicインスタンスでの一律なUntrusted URL制限にあまり賛成しない立場ですが、とりあえずVideo Player Allowed Domainsを追加しようとしました。 しかし10個までしか追加することが出来ませんでした。これは少なすぎます! 例えば標準では再生できない動画サイトの動画をプロキシ視聴するためのサービスである nicovrc.net はニコニコ動画やbilibili動画、TikTok、その他多くのプラットフォームに対応していますが、プラットフォームごとにリダイレクトされるドメインが異なります。正しく機能するために少なくとも6つ以上のURLを許可しなければなりません。 またX(Twitter)の動画を再生するだけでも、 x.com と video.twimg.com の2つを許可しなければなりません。 10個という数はすぐに埋まってしまい、実用的ではありません。 Video Player Allowed Domainsの登録数を実質的に無制限(100個など)にするか、許可リストではなく拒否リストに出来るようにするかが必要だと思います。


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