World/Udon Bugs & Feature Requests

Post about current World or Udon bugs feature requests. One item per post!
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The version of Dynamic Bone currently used in the VRChat runtime is no longer available for download.
At present, PhysBone is not supported in the World SDK, so Dynamic Bone must be used to implement physics-based animations. However, the version of Dynamic Bone used in VRChat is already quite outdated—likely version 1.2.1, whereas the latest available version is 1.3.4. The contents of the Dynamic Bone component included in the component whitelist have also changed, with new parameters such as "Roots" and "Blend Weight" being added. Naturally, these parameters that do not exist in the older version do not function in VRChat. On the Asset Store, only the latest version of Dynamic Bone can be downloaded. The discrepancy between the available version and the version used in VRChat could lead to confusion when setting up worlds, especially since the version of Dynamic Bone used in VRChat is not documented anywhere. To test with the same version as VRChat, we now have no choice but to transfer an older version of Dynamic Bone that was downloaded when that version was still available. If the World SDK plans to continue using Dynamic Bone in the future, I strongly urge that the version of Dynamic Bone used in VRChat be kept up to date. --- 現在のVRChatランタイムで使用されているDynamic Boneのバージョンは既にダウンロード不可能です。 現在、WorldSDKではPhysBoneがサポートされていないので、揺れものの実装にはDynamicBoneを使用する必要があります。しかし、VRChatのランタイムで使用されているDynamicBoneは既にかなり古く、おそらく1.2.1だと思われますが現在の最新バージョンは1.3.4です。コンポーネントホワイトリストに含まれている、DynamicBoneコンポーネントの内容も変化しており、例えばRootsというパラメーターやBlend Weightというパラメーターが新たに追加されています。これらの古いバージョンにないパラメーターは当然VRChat上では動作しません。 アセットストアではDynamic Boneは最新バージョンしかダウンロードすることができません。利用可能なバージョンと動作バージョンの違いはワールドをセットアップする上で混乱のもとになるでしょう。VRChat上でのDynamicBoneのバージョンがどこにも明記されていないからなおさらです。私たちが現状でVRChatと同じバージョンのDynamicBoneで検証するには、そのバージョンがリリースされていた当時にダウンロードしていた古いバージョンのDynamic Boneを移植する以外に方法がなくなりました。 今後もワールドSDKではDynamicBoneを使い続ける予定であるのであれば、せめてVRChatのDynamicBoneのバージョンを最新に保っていただきたいです。
Save & Load persistent World Data
World persistency would increase usability since old in-world settings could load automatically when the user re-visits the same world later. As worlds get more and more complex, this is no longer a "nice to have" feature - it is now absolutely needed to make a more complex world playable (such as playing a long story through like "The Devouring" for people who don't stay 4+ hours in a single world in VR or in case VRChat crashes while playing it). But it is also needed for grinding mechanics and worlds where you can build something and farm resources - something we are currently working on. Tl;dr, either VRChat gives us a [StoreToDisk] string datatype (without a weird character limit) that saves to disk when it changes and loads again when the user joins the same world or we'll have to implement our own open-source solution reading debug log files and a third-party application running on people's PCs to send Ctrl+V to the window handle (as other world creators have already done it). But either way, we definitely can't go on without a solution here and the current "ask a VR user to copy+paste a string" is not a good way to do it - especially since it's not crash-safe, so users lose all progress when VRChat disconnects the user randomly. But also since we still don't have a "Copy to clipboard"/"Paste from clipboard" function next to a TextInput field for whatever reason, something that would be extremely useful for VR users in general anyway. Ideally, an instance could also specify to only load the progress from whoever created it, since it's not possible right now to know who's the instance creator in Udon, but that's only a minor follow-up issue.

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