I'm unsure how viable this might be to add, but a very minor QOL addition I'd like to see would be the ability to preview different hardware objects in the hands/feet/hips etc of avatars. Similar to how opening the large menu in game does with a transparent preview of your current controller. This would allow previewing and debugging problems with avatar bone positions easier, but also assist with setting up the correct orientation of props or held objects a lot easier. (for example, firearm props, etc). But this could extend to a gizmo for previewing tracker positions for head, feet, knees, elbows, etc. The way I do this adjustment currently consists of building a test avatar, taking screenshots of the props with the large menu open, going back to the sdk, adjusting, testing, etc etc. This process would be made a lot faster if I could just have a transparent gizmo I could toggle on to preview its orientation and compare with my physical controller instead. It'd also make designing prefabs for other people (or for sale) easier to accommodate the grip that different controllers have. This additionally could be useful with client sim, allowing you to preview the orientation of held props compared to controllers.