Unity's mainline physics engine has a considerable number of issues which can be experienced regularly when building for VRChat. This includes things and difficulties such as making intractable doors or hinged objects, moving objects, stacked objects, pool tables, collision accuracy, and more. However, Havok provides a free copy of their physics engine which is capable of actings as a stand in replacement built upon Unity DOTS for Unity Physics, allowing use with the same physics objects and scripts as Unity's own Physics engine. This is available to all Unity Pro and above license holders. Source: https://www.havok.com/unity/ Amongst other things, Havok is a first in class physics engine used by a considerable number of well-known titles, even by the likes of Nintendo, and is most notably used in games such as Half Life 2, Garry's Mod, and Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. As such, VRChat could stand to benefit by whitelisting Havok, and providing shims for Havok scripts, allowing world creators to build their scenes using the Havok physics engine as opposed to Unity Physics. Likewise, users of Unity Pro could use the full editor suite for Havok in order to fully test Havok physics in both the client and editor, as opposed to shims which would only work client-side for Unity Free users.