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[1537] OnDeserialization fires without any Networked Data changes for Late Joiners
Issue: I've run into a weird issue with OnDeserialization , when ever a late joiner joins my Picture Loader World the event fires, but without actually having received any networking data. Reproduction Steps: Create an Instance in my World https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_65b1db37-cce6-48d8-b57e-58c3f31b2c93 Go the the URL Input section and enter a URL Join with another client If you do this you will notice that the Image wont start loading for them. You can manually do another RequestSerialization by pressing on the Lock button, doing so will result in it also loading for them. Additional Info: I've added a few log messages to my map to help with debugging it: Debug.LogError("BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB: Start Ran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); This fires once start has run on the URL Input script to make sure it always runs before receiving network data Debug.LogError($"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: I received Network Data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Locked:{locked}, Persistence Data Loaded: {savedImageLoaded}, netURL: {netUrl}"); This runs once OnDeserialization has fired and includes all variables that are being synced. The default is Locked: false, Persistence Data Loaded: false, netURL: , if nothing is different compared to this than the Networked Data wasn't actually updated. Expected Behaviour: Networking Data should actually be updated once OnDeserialization runs. This also works fine in Local Test Builds btw. Attachments: Here is a video show casing the issue: https://files.catbox.moe/ey775e.mp4

available in future release

The behavior of Constraints varies depending on the position of the parent.
Constraints behave differently depending on whether they are set directly under the avatar's Root or under the Armature’s Hips. This phenomenon appears to affect only Contacts and PB, not Skinned Meshes or Particles. Additionally, with both configurations, when using Constraints, the mesh appears fixed in PlayerLocal but jitters in MirrorClone, similar to the behavior seen with Contacts. ①Constraint set directly under the avatar's Root The Constraint jitters when the avatar is stationary, but stops when the avatar is in motion. ②Constraint set under Armature’s Hips The Constraint remains stable when the avatar is stationary, but jitters intensely when the avatar is in motion. Please refer to the reference video below. https://x.com/Tukumomi_VR/status/1856163222237438081 The first avatar with the yellow ring is setup ① ID: avtr_5842db16-81ce-4956-9355-026ba3747b43 The second avatar with the blue ring is setup ② ID: avtr_b754535b-ebf0-4eb1-a4d1-2d8f86cba7c5 Here are the steps for the gimmick operation: [Activation] Make a RockNRoll gesture with your right hand and a Gun gesture with your left hand, then touch the Contact on your right wrist with your left index finger. [Expansion] Make a Point gesture with your right hand and a RockNRoll gesture with your left hand to expand the menu. In this state, it is fixed to the world. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [JP] Constraint は、アバターの Root 直下に設定するか、Armature の Hips 配下に設定するかによって挙動が異なります。この現象はスキンメッシュやパーティクルには影響を与えず、Contact や PB のみに影響するようです。 また、どちらの設定でも Constraint 使用時、PlayerLocal ではメッシュが固定されて表示されますが、MirrorClone ではメッシュが Contact と同じようにジッターするようです。 ①Constraint をアバターの Root 直下に設定 アバターが静止している時に Constraint がジッターし、アバターが動いているとジッターが止まります。 ②Constraint を Armature の Hips 配下に設定 アバターが静止している時はジッターが止まり、アバターが動いていると激しくジッターします。 参考動画は以下をご参照ください。 [URL] 黄色いリングが付いた最初のアバターが設定① (Avatar ID) 青いリングが付いた2つ目のアバターが設定② (Avatar ID) ギミック操作の手順は次のとおりです。 [有効化] 右手で RockNRoll ジェスチャー、左手で Gun ジェスチャーを行い、左人差し指で右手首の Contact をタッチします。 [展開] 右手でポイントジェスチャー、左手でロックンロールジェスチャーを行うとメニューが展開されます。この状態ではワールドに固定されます。

available in future release

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