The Physbone gravity works differently when being toggeled on/off in some worlds- while in some it's perfectly smoothed, in some other it's being delayed by a couple of seconds or it jumps very harshly I can't pinpoint a world related origin of the issue- seems to be both in Live and current Beta Build and the worlds I've tested, were updated pretty closely to each other. TL;DR: It must be gravity set higher than 0- for some reason it won't get smoothed in some worlds. How to reproduce: Create two empty GameObjects and a cube (Remove colliders!). GameObject 1/GameObject 2/Cube (Stretched long for better visuals) Put the cube in Ignore Transforms Put the Physbone on your avatar hand and rotate it until it has the same direction as the index finger. Physbone Settings on GameObject 1: Version 1.1 (1.0 also doesn't work) Integration Type: Simplified Pull: 0.1 Spring: 0.2 Gravity: 0.9 Collision 0.02 No Limits Allow Grabbing: True Allow Posing: False Snap To Hand: True IsAnimated: False ResetWhenDisabled: False Add animations to toggle the active state of VRCPhysbone (I've tested it in WD Off with Physbone being off on start) Go into any of the mentioned worlds and having an animation that toggles the enabled status of the GameObject 1 VRCPhysbone on/off Buggy: LPD Station (Updated 03/11/2025), Just B Club (Updated 03/12/2025) Working: Avatar Testing Chamber (Updated 02/14/2025), Sovren's Chill home (Updated 03/15/2025) Further Tests I've done: With or without Physbone limit doesn't matter It being attached to a parent constraint as an avatar GameObject child or not (parented directly to the hand) is not changing anything IsAnimated and ResetWhenDisabled doesn't matter whether it's on/off It must be gravity set higher than 0- for some reason it won't get smoothed in some worlds.