Switch camera mode to stream, enable spout output. Switch dolly mode to multi. Send 3 camera points - 0 + 1 path index 0, 2 path index 1. Hit start - you will see the path 1 camera duplicate, stuck to the user's local space. It will also lag more and more the more you create. Hitting start/stop in-game - even if you don't wait for the countdown to finish - will result in cloning the camera into your viewport. This also prevents Spout from properly deactivating the cameras on stop - Spout continues to broadcast the viewpoint of the cameras from the last time you hit play after it has stopped. The broken cameras do not broadcast, but given the lag, I assume they still have an active camera on anyway. Every time you stop/start, you will create another duplicate. Switching to single, and even switching instance will not remove the bad cameras. You need to fully restart the game to get rid of them. In some cases, depending on setup, this can also lock out the ability to change camera mode - even when dolly is stopped. Again, this persists across instance switches, and requires a full game restart to fix. Minimal JSON to load to cause the issue for automated testing - but this is able to be accomplished in-game: [{"PathIndex": 0}, {"PathIndex": 0}, {"PathIndex": 1}] You can add "IsLocal": true to all of these to make it easier to see (and is what I did in the attached example) The attached video and image was done over OSC, but this was separately confirmed that it can be accomplished with no external tools. Do you like my camera collection? :)