Since GoGoLoCo has become more prevalent and embedded in more and more avatars, the fundamental incompatibility between GoGoLoCo and VRCStations on vehicle (and other) systems is now commonplace enough that it has made debugging of station ergonomics as complicated as possible - which actively deters world devs from considering accessibility in their systems. This has been going on for several months at least, and it's out of control. The issue seems to be that GoGoLoCo has unstoppable and extremely inappropriate access to the Station's animation controller variable and blocks it, preventing the player from being able to move normally (or even be upright in some cases), and preventing scripts from doing anything to fix it. This is just my guess, so it may even be more complicated than that. We don't know. We don't have the source code, so who knows? But this can be reproduced across different worlds, different avatars, same parameters. This breakdown usually renders whatever the station is attached to inaccessible to the player because it defeats all attempts to make it accessible and the world dev and player are both powerless to stop it. At this point in time, this makes worlds using vehicle prefabs entirely inaccessible to players who do not know about this issue and understand that GGL is 100%, hopelessly and irrevocably incompatible with VRCStations. You can't expect casual or new players to discover this instantly, and this is having an effect on the perceived viability of afflicted systems going forward, which deters their development and adoption of new SDK features. There is simply no reason to sink time and effort into developing vehicle systems or other things which move the player since GoGoLoCo is allowed to run rampant all over the Worlds SDK, ruthlessly enforcing its own, unintentional, and unofficial rules over VRChat's own. Allowing GoGoLoCo to dictate what players can and cannot interact with is shaping the platform and eliminating options for gameplay which previously existed, and creates the impression that VRChat does not have control over the SDK. Normally, this wouldn't have been allowed to get this far. Now it's too late to fix this by any means other than fixing VRCStation to harden it against this attack. At this point, I cannot continue to develop anything around VRCStation, or advise anyone to do so until VRCStation has been fixed to prevent GoGoLoCo from hijacking it. Obviously you can't ban GoGoLoCo because that would brick like half of the avatars on the platform, so the only option is to fix VRCStation. Fix VRCStation. Fix VRCStation. The unthinkable task: Fix VRCStation. Please do something before we give up on you.