Feature Requests

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More communication between users sending and receiving invite requests.
When sending an invite request, you do not receive any form of feedback as to what is done with your request. The only feedback you can receive is the notification of an invite when it is accepted by the recipient. More than often users are busy and cannot accept invite requests, the lack of feedback and information for user sending the request can impact the VRChat experience for that user negatively. A comparison can be made to a phone call where the receiver can only accept or let it ring. Users who may suffer through depression, anxiety or other issues that are related to insecurity often feel left out and users receiving the requests are often are blamed for ignoring users who send the request. The user receiving the invite request could be in a conversation, streaming, afk, RP, testing and many more reasons. I have reason to believe that by simply giving the users who are using the invite system more information about what they're doing that users would be able to communicate with each other better and prevent unnecessary misunderstandings. The most basic solution would be a status that every messaging app has: Available/Busy. Though this wouldn't be enough to solve the issue as nothing changes in the interaction that occurs between two users using the invite system. A more thorough solution would be similar to how smart-phones give you the option to send a pre-made or custom message to the caller such as "I'm busy right now, talk later" If the solutions above are not appealing, anything is better than nothing for those with insecurity issues. That way they are not left to their own thoughts to wonder endlessly why things are happening the way they are.


Add Support for Streaming Mipmaps for Avatars and Worlds
This feature request is to add support for streaming mipmaps for avatars and worlds. Steaming mipmaps ( unity docs ) allows textures to be downscaled and dynamically loaded into VRAM. It does increase the size of each mipmapped texture by 33%, so package sizes will be larger. However, it allows textures to be loaded dynamically based on distance. This would mean that a texture that traditionally may be 2.8 MB DXT1 at 2048x2048, may be under 44 KB if it is reduced to 256x256 in VRAM. So in worlds, this means significantly reduced VRAM usage when texutures are a certain distance away. Same with avatars if they are a certain distance away. If tuned properly, this could mean that avatars that may traditionally take up 200 MB of VRAM, can instead take up magnitudes less. Often, 2K textures look just fine on most avatars from even 0.25 meters away. So being able to unload them for a smaller one would be significantly useful, especially for large meetup events. Fax did mention that VRChat currently does not have mipmap streaming. The reasons are the following: > Most notably - some user avatars may lack mipmaps, have them disabled, or have a maximum priority. This would adversely affect mipmaps with streaming enabled: Once you run out of VRAM, they’d appear blurry and stuck at a lower mipmap. Users might run into this issue maliciously, or accidentally. Considering that the VRChat application currently allows avatars to be created with mipmaps, but they aren't shown, perhaps there is a way to allow the client to choose if they want them enabled? I do know many games have texture streaming as a togglable option, so perhaps VRChat can do this here? I would even be happy if this was an experimental feature that had risks associated with it, if it's for the sake of testing. Fax also mentioned: > Unfortunately, that wouldn’t fully solve the problem, as avatars uploaded without streaming mipmaps enabled effectively have an ‘infinite’ priority. I see this as a non-issue, unless there are some other contingencies. Unity docs mention that it can load non-mipmapped textures alongside mipmapped textures. Considering VRChat doesn't have mipmap streaming already, this means that the game will be identical with or without mipmap streaming if all avatars don't have mipmap streaming. But in the event that half the lobby does, then there will be at least that many avatars that will save on resources, even if the others don't. Also, perhaps (idk if this can work), but this may also mean that the avatar hider can unload textures properly? At least in theory, if the avatar is not loaded, it may load the smallest mipmap? This would save a LOT of VRAM for users that want to use the avatar hider. This feature would help a lot for people that do not want to optimize their avatars. I do think VRAM over-utilization is one of the worst offenders in terms of VRChat performance. Solving this issue would help many, especially those with less VRAM.


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