Allow transferring Group Ownership
As someone who would like to create groups for my friends who might not have VRC+ I would like to give them full oversight over the group and remove myself from it completely so they can trust that I cannot mess with their groups unchecked with full owner rights even if I grant them admin permissions. Currently this does not appear to be possible.
There are also other reasons why one would want to transfer ownership besides just getting around the VRC+ requirement, for example in case a leader steps down. I feel like this should be a possibility.
Right now I'm not sure if admins with full rights can remove owners from the group, but I would assume not.
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This change is now live!
You can access it on the settings page of your group on the website!
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We should be able to give ownership of a group to someone else.
Me and my friend created a group and now we have a lot of people but he stopped playing. If he delete his account in the future i dont know what will happen to the group.
This change is now live!
You can access it on the settings page of your group on the website!
It'd also be nice if there was any insight into when they're going to make VRChat Groups available to everyone like they initially said they would. The fact that someone without VRChat+ would need to start paying money to take over a Group when the original owner wants to step down and move on is a bit silly to me.
The new owner would only need VRC+ for at least one month to facilitate the transfer.
VRC+ is currently only needed for the setup of a group, and awkwardly to manage the images for it via your user gallery. You don't need VRC+ to own the group or manage anything in it (except images). Although technically another non-owner admin in the group could help with images if they have VRC+.
As for dropping the VRC+ requirement, that's a separate discussion to this topic! It's one that is happening, but there is no decision or outcome yet, nor can I provide you with a useful time frame. :(
I'm glad to hear that the dev team is working on setting up the ownership transference functionality, as that's important for the community to be able to better manage their Groups. I'm just looking forward to the pay wall being taken down so that the community doesn't have to pay for the ability to manage their Groups more effectively, is all. It was originally said that Groups would be available to everyone; I intend to hold VRChat to that statement, is all.
Would you happen to know where I could find the discussion thread where the whole Groups being behind a pay wall thing is happening? I'd love to follow that discussion, if possible.
BlurpyTheRABID VRChat needs more means of income and more benefits/incentives for VRC+ before they can consider that. To a lot of people, VRC+ isn't even worth it's price for how little you get already, taking stuff away will just reduce that more.
While I understand your perspective, and while I don't disagree with you, I'll still hold my ground about how it was stated officially by VRChat that Groups would eventually be available for everyone to use.
I don't believe that the Groups feature by itself is enough of an incentive to encourage people to pay for VRChat+. Personally, I don't feel that pay walling Groups at all is enough of an incentive for most to give in and pay for VRChat+. But if they were to limit the free version of Groups (ex. only 1 Group per free account allowed, and 3 Groups allowed for VRChat+ accounts), I think that'd be an adequate compromise. ;-)
They initially put it behind the VRChat+ pay wall as a means of keeping things under control as they slowly rolled out the Group functionalities, which makes sense from a development and quality assurance standpoint. But it's been almost 2 years now... O.o
I'm simply holding them to their word, is all. If they're going to release something for everyone to use, then they should stick to their word and do it. I truly hold no malice towards them. ;-)
in progress
The ability to transfer groups is now in development, albeit with some restrictions around who the new owner can be:
- The new owner has a VRChat Account with a verified email
- The new owner is a member of the group
- The new owner has space to own the group
- The new owner has VRChat Plus
- The group isn't setup for Creator Economy
The process as currently designed will likely be as follows.
Current owner initiates a transfer to the new owner:
- This sends an email to the current owner telling them about the transfer
- A Group Audit Log entry is created logging the start of the transfer
- A notification is sent to the new owner
- Meanwhile the old owner can cancel at any time before the new owner accepts it
The new owner can accept or decline either via the notification or the group view on the website:
- A notification of the Accept/Decline will be sent to the old owner
- A Group Audit Log entry is created for either Accept/Decline
- If accepted the group is transferred to the new owner (the old owner remains in the group but no longer has the owner role)
No ETA yet, and the above design may change a little during development.
this would bypass the vrc+ buy option because then vrchat players wouldnt need to buy vrc+ to have groups
LoppyDaCutie either way, the original creator of the group had vrchat+, so technically vrchat+ is still needed to have the group exist in the first place i believe.
WeeWDiedrich i see this as something that should be added then.
Merged in a post:
Ability to transfer group ownership to other player
At present, the dynamic capability to seamlessly transfer group ownership to another participant is regrettably absent. In situations where the group's steward departs for any reason yet ardently wishes for the group's legacy to endure, a significant hurdle emerges. While the prospect of initiating a new group exists, the magnitude of the group amplifies the intricacy of transitioning to a fresh entity. Introducing the ability for the owner to gracefully designate a successor among the existing players would not only streamline this process but also enhance the overall resilience and continuity of the group.
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Ability to transfer group ownership to other player
Currently, group ownership is not transferable to another player.
If the owner leaves the group for some reason, but still wants the group to continue to exist, this cannot be accomplished.
It might be possible to start a new group, but the larger the group, the more difficult the transition to the new group will be.
If the owner could change another player to be the owner, this problem would be solved.
Merged in a post:
VRChat Group Ownership Transferring
I Want there to be a thing where u can Transfer Ownership Of a Group So if u made Something for a Friend
u can give the group to them
Yeah this is a pain. I understand that it would require the recepient to also be a VRC+ user given that it's a VRC+ gated feature, but still.
Also, it's insane that you can't even delete a group without manually kicking every single member first. Good luck if those people with 10k+ meme groups ever decide they need room for a new group. Oh and let's not forget that every person you kick will be given a notifcation letting them know you kicked them, so have fun dealing with the waterfall of friend requests and Discord DMs from all the TDA wolfboys angry at you for kicking them. This is why when EAC Fan Group got to around 500 members I stopped it from growing any further, I don't want to be stuck with a group I can't delete or transfer ownership of.
There should be ownership tranfer and group deletion shouldn't require kicking every member. Maybe a wait time to delete large groups or something to protect large groups from being easily deleted by account jackers, but that's all.
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