I originally gave this feedback directly from the TestFlight app, but I realized I should send it here too. I just wanted to say that I didn't expect much in regards to visual quality when trying out VRChat on mobile. Initially, I was thinking that it was a waste of time for the developers to have so much of a focus on putting VRChat on mobile at all. But there ended up being a lot of different times when I'm just emotionally drained and don't have the energy to put my headset on or sit at my computer. And honestly, having this app on my phone and being able to join off of friends when I just wasn't able to put the headset on really helped me emotionally when I wasn't able to join in other ways. I really appreciate being able to join the worlds I'm able to join and to see the imposters of friends I'm able to see. As a creator myself, I didn't expect anyone to make worlds with an iOS build or make avatars that can even be uploaded to iOS. But making that imposter system and allowing me to join worlds built for Quest, despite the visual fidelity, is more than enough for me. When I'm on iOS, I'm not there to stare at myself in a mirror anyway or see the pretty sights. I'm there to join my friends. And I really appreciate being able to do that when I'm too emotionally drained to put the headset on. It's saved me a lot of loneliness and pain when I really needed it. I never thought I'd thank the developers for prioritizing mobile, but thank you developers for putting VRChat on iOS.