The functionality of the "Clear all messages" button is confusing. It's a red button. Red buttons are associated with dangerous actions on the website (Unpublish, Delete world, Delete account), but clicking this button subverts expectation as there is no confirmation dialog Clicking the button doesn't just remove all "messages" from the website, it removes all received friend requests themselves causing "Friend Requests" list from the "Social" tab in-game to effectively disappear as it is emptied. It is unclear that "Friend Request" in the social tab is actually considered being equivalent to a message. For example, if you receive a notification on Android for a new mail, clearing the notification does not mean archiving the mail in the app nor marking it as read; there is a distinction between a notification of a mail and the mail itself, which is not the case here. The message counter on the website maxes out at 100, but clicking the button will remove all friend requests, which can go in the thousands. Clicking doesn't put the friend requests into the "Ignored friend requests" list, which is yet another unclear behavior that makes it seem like it differs from declining the friend request