Avatar Bugs & Feature Requests

Post about current Avatar bugs and Avatar Feature Requests. One item per post!
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[FEEDBACK] Constraints in Local Space
To my knowledge, we have many constraints available to us via the default unity constraints. We can also use some extended scripting when it comes to Final IK. I’ve used much of this when making quadrupeds, characters with two heads, and extra arms. However, all of these systems are calculated in world space only. For Avatars, I am not aware of any way to work with these constraints in local space. This would be very helpful when trying to map the rotation of your arm or fingers to puppet something not directly connected to your arm or hand. Right now I’m thinking of controlling wings or ears with fingers. This level of puppeteering is significantly better than using the menus or gestures, but we don’t yet have good access to it. In my own experience, I specifically ran into this issue when trying to directly control the back legs of a quadruped with my real legs. When facing straight ahead, I could puppet them just fine, but once I curved the spine, the feet would remain pointed forwards. I can’t imagine that this functionality would be too difficult to create. Most other unity games just copy the rotation values from one object to another and they are done… but obviously there needs to be some safety nets in place for cycle checks and other errors that might happen. I did my best to try and find if a similar topic already posted, there may be one, but I couldn’t find it. This post is partly a “What work around are there?” As well as a plea to add this functionality to the SDK.

available in future release

[FEEDBACK] Control the [not sync] parameters from Expressions Menu
[Transrated] In the current Expressions Menu, only the parameter to sync specified in the Expression Parameters can be operated. Since there is a limit of up to 16 parameters to sync, it is wasteful to assign parameters to sync to operate from the Expressions Menu, even for things that do not need to be synced. Examples of parameters that do not need to be synced are camera gimmicks that allow you to control depth of field and FoV. This only needs to work in its own Local, and we think it is wasteful to consume sync parameters. As a solution, we propose that you can operate parameters that are not specified in the Expression Parameters from the Expressions Menu. [Japanese(Original)] [FEEDBACK] Expression Menuから[同期しない]パラメーターを操作したい 現状Expression MenuではExpression Parameterに指定した同期するパラメーターしか操作できません 同期するパラメータは16個までの制約があるため、同期が不要な物にまでExpression Menuからの操作を行うために同期するパラメータを割り当てるのは不合理です。 同期する必要の無いパラメーターの例として、被写界深度やFoVのコントロールを行えるカメラギミックなどが挙げられます。 これは、自身のLocalでのみ機能すればよく、同期するパラメータを消費するのは不合理と考えます。 解決策として、Expression Parameterに指定していないパラメーターを、Expression Menuから操作できる様にする事を提案します。

available in future release