Allow world creators to change Physics bounce threshold
available in future release
Physics simulations in VRChat are limited in realism because creators can't modify most of the variables in physics settings.
For example, I'm working on a mini golf map and my golf balls stick to walls at low speeds rather than bouncing off realistically. I've gotten the editor's simulation to look nearly 1:1 with real golf balls by changing the "Bounce Threshold" in the PhysicsManager to 0. However, these changes do not carry over when I'm testing the map in VRChat.
I can maybe understand restricting the solver iterations to prevent lag, but even then it should be up to creators to optimize their worlds. If the physics settings can be made changeable it would be very appreciated!
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available in future release
- World creators now have the ability to modify the value of UnityEngine.Physics.bounceThreshold via Udon.
- This allows world creators to have better control over when objects should or shouldn't bounce, which can be important for physics-based worlds.
I always wondered why the bounce threshold were not exposed. Thank you for making this real!
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available in future release
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in progress
Fax changing the Bounce Threshold is definitely the most important! I haven't played with the other settings much and don't think they're as important, but the more we have to play around with the better.
Ostinyo: Thank you, that's good to know! In that case, we'd consider this Canny complete once Bounce Threshold has been added.
We're working on exposing 'bounce threshold', which seems to be the property that everyone is most excited about (:
Ostinyo, are there other properties related to your request? Or would you say the Canny request above is very closely related?
Fax please allow us to change physic frame rate, instead of forcing it to be tied to screen hz rate. It's been a massive pain for physics based games; everything from fairness to exploits to preformance. Imaging Quest2 and phone users playing fixed update 50 times per second instead of 72 or 90 🤤
(also had people start vrchat at 5hz to drive through walls, or 1000hz to win a speed challenge)
PlayerBush001: I agree! Being unable to change the fixed timestep is a huge issue, thank you for speaking up about it.
The issue has been reported in a separate Canny request. Please upvote it if you're interested.
I believe this needs to happen. Besides other possible uses. I played some mini golf and I got robbed multiple times due to the above mentioned stick. Being able to add even just a little more realism would be great!
Hagbard Celine
Same here on my pooltable. In the editor the balls bounce off walls and come to a halt after some time. in the game they just stick to walls and roll forever.
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