Knuckles/Index Controller support, Compressed skeletal hand input
Through steamvr/openvr you can add as many trackers as much as you would like to add. The knuckles controllers have been way overdue for 2 years and steam has left people in the dark on it's progress.
It would be cool if VRChat could add support for more tracking points for fingers for instance so third party hardware manufacturers can offer products right now to get more advanced finger or gesture control.
While piggy backing on existing drivers like five trackers is possible.. I'd like to see more... this would really incentive hardware development for VRchat. When hardware manufacturers have to ride on drivers of the big players they stand no chance to grow their product and improve a VR experience.
Consider a solution like this:
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I heard we'll be releasing it in May? What month is it now? We need this feature.
Is it finally happening?
Is this it? Are we nearly free?
Can we throw the Diver-X Unity pkg that doesn't work with gesture-less avatars in the trash?
-CMC-apparently likely yes but first they have to implement it on their end
reminder that were
waiting for thisCrookedToe
For those of you all using diver x contact gloves. the new Oscmooth rework allows you to use binary parameters for the gloves halving the requirement of bits from 177 to 82 or less depending on how precise you wish. The rework is not packaged yet so you need to manually download it.
CrookedToe is it because it multiplexes a float? that means framerate/accuracy is reduced too.
In general, I think it would be awesome to see the input system expanded to take the burden off of parameters. Right now, if I want an avatar to have face/eye tracking, I pretty much have to say goodbye to a lot of the customization I'd otherwise have done on the avatar, and it's still not as good looking as apps with non-osc based solutions. It was a factor in me looking at the Diver-X as a future input method that I realized I'd likely not be able to use face and eye tracking at the same time as the glove.
Casuallynoted yep once i add hand tracking its either eye tracking or mouth... with a reduced amount of blend shapes... its not good.
happy 5 and a half years birthday to this canny 🥳🥳
still no movement despite 5 years of promises 🎉🎉🎉
-CMC- . Even with a future parameter reduction from 176 to 106, Most avatars still can't be used with the Diver-X Contact Glove while using ET+FT. I haven't checked yet, but I'm going assume that SDK 3.5 and Unity 2022 still only have both a 256 network parameter limit AND unchanged avatar performance parameters from 2019. C'mon y'all. On our end, adding and managing this takes hours of time per avatar and balloons an already Quest-focused-and-much-too-stingy perf budget. On yours, its probably like a months work from clicking go in unity to in-game implementation by one engineer. Maybe a few teams calls with someone from Valve in the mix. Saying it again, Resonite has had this since day one. Maybe it won't be for a long time, if ever, but it's popularity will grow noticeably when the word spreads about features it has that VRChat does not or will
no longer
have. EDIT: And now, this: There goes the parameter limit, again
still waiting for this, would like to see some official movement other than it being supposedly tracked for half a decade :/
Towneh Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance Noe Tupper - VRChat Head of Community Just in case you didn't know, Resonite is out and supports Skeletal Tracking by default. Full tracking of 4 fingers with the thumb in fixed analog, A, B and touchpad positions. In a game with a much smaller userbase, smaller dev team, and in a more early access code state due to the NEOS VR fallout drama. Diver-X is also backing the Resonite patreon. I wish had an easy way to @ all 480 voters in this feature request thread.
-CMC-: Yep thanks, I already made a video showing this working on my Twitter earlier! Resonite did nothing special to support ContactGlove, all they did was implement SteamVR Skeletal Input, so it's supported by default.
it would even be better for quest users as well. and if there are peapole that like the curent system then they're free to keep gestures enabled
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