I've been making a lot of avatars in my time playing this game, I've seen a lot of good updates regarding safety and optimization, but I cannot comprehend why the decision was made to disable all other active audio sources if they are over 3. You've already managed to fix World Audio, insanely loud audio, Allowed us to decrease the volume of avatar Audio, and Straight up allow to mute it. So why is the need to cut that down as well?
In this case of a personal project I was working on (DJ Sona) Which requires me to have multiple audio sources on but muted and dropped to 0 volume. That way I could easily shuffle, synchronize, and control it fully. But my entire project/avatar practically turned off because of its main feature is a
Couldn't you either remove or revamp that client-sided toggle. Maybe make it in a way where it checks if the audio source is active and is emitting sound before turning it off, or make it that multiple active
audio sources should be limited so you can't spam multiple layered audios.