For years, we have had a limitation in VRChat to only 3 audio sources. As an animator in this game for almost 5 years now, I cannot tell you how surprisingly limiting this is. The reason for this is not just because of things happening together, such as an idle, an attack sound, maybe a voice line. The issue arises in the engine's computing. You often, even if it's only two audio sources, end up having things mute each other simply because they're happening very close in proximity time-wise, and they overlap for a very small amount of time. It's incredibly frustrating knowing you don't have too many audio sources active at once, but the game still mutes them due to this issue.
If you still want to limit things, a much more reasonable number would be 5 or 6. It keeps things small but opens up a lot more opportunity. I'd even take 4 at this point to be honest. It's just that 3 teeters too much on the edge for far too many ideas.