This will increase performance by a lot. The reason why performance is so bad in large and public worlds is because many poor avatars. But I like to see people avatars with shaders. And Avatar Hider (mod) was the best solution. When someone gets close to me their avatar becomes visible.
(Hide only the avatars, not nameplates. Otherwise you don't know where people are.)
What settings it needs
  • Range: All avatars closer then this will be visible, all avatars farther will not, except exclusions.
  • Exclude friends.
  • Exclude showen avatars.
  • Also hide the robot.
  • Use fallback instead of robot.
Dynamic version
Instead of showing every avatar within the set range. Show a max amount of avatars. This way you don't need to change the range when you are in a busy small world. And the closest 10 (for example) will always be visible. And then you can also see avatars from far when not many are close.
  • Have a max distance.
  • Max amount of visible avatars.
This is 1 of my favorite mods because it increases performance so much. Why are avatars on the other side of the map, or not in field of view loaded in the VRAM? Because the avatars are hidden, they get loaded out of VRAM which increase fps.