I see this has been a debate In the community-- I really don't understand why, but as it stands I see it's a point of contention-- But I also see it as still necessary and a valid request.
People have the right to privacy, and as such much like MANY, MANY Social Applications-- Being able to appear offline should have just been a feature from the start. It's your right as a player to be online without others knowing-- This isn't Nefarious or Wrong-- It's literally just being able to be online without having to announce to everyone that you are, allowing you to spend your time with who you want, when you want, without the feeling of pressure worrying you'll upset others by using your time elsewhere in that moment.
Discord has the Feature, Facebook Messenger has it, all of our phones have an equivalent-- It does not make sense to bar VRChat users from doing the same. I know we have "Do Not Disturb", but I'm sure as many other can attest-- Just the sight of that option on for a user alone can strike Questions and Anger from those who may feel demanding of your time, or just feel as though you're ignoring them. That's a bad feeling for both users, and I don't think that should be the case.
I definitely think "Appear as Offline" should be a feature and status, and the idea that "It'll ruin the concepts behind a social platform" I find arduous and unfair to those who would just like to be online with no one, or only those who they'd like to know, knowing they're on. Please give it some consideration.
Thank you Dev Team!