Ability to close groups instance
With the newly added groups+ and groups public instance, I'd like the ability, with the right permission in the group, to close the said instances or to convert them into normal publics maybe.
I've created some 2-3 weeks ago, they are still currently alive weeks after even tho there's nobody in it to moderate them anymore.
That might clug the groups localisation in the social menu with instances that have nothing to do anymore from their original purpose.
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Instance closing has been released for a while, issue just wasn't marked as completed.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
in progress
We're currently working a way for you to close various instance types. Read more in our latest Dev Update: https://ask.vrchat.com/t/developer-update-1-february-2024/22608
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: This article is a bit unclear to me, will we be able to shut down a group public like Niyah requested? This would be really super. It also would be nice if we could change the instance from group public to group+ or so on instead of having to make a new instance.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
OxifiedVR: You will be able to shut down these instance types, as long as you have the applicable permission (for Group instances) or are the instance creator or world author (non-Group):
- Group Public
- Group+
- Group
- Friends+
- Friends
- Invite+
- Invite
You will not be able to shut down Public instances, even if you have moderation powers in them (world authors have this).
The ability to change types on the fly is out of scope of this feature request, but has been requested elsewhere!
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community does that mean world authors would have the powers to shut down groups they dont own or is that not going to be a thing for groups, so only the group owner can close the group instance?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
LoppyDaCutie I don't know! We'll find out once the feature makes it to Open Beta. :D
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: The idea of world authors being able to close any instances of their world is frankly scary. We already have fights happening between world authors and groups. If this becomes true, then any group that wants to use a world where they have a bad relationship with the world author will be forced to ban the world author in order to avoid simply having their instance forcefully closed.
At some point VRChat will have to decide who has more authority over instances. The instance owner (instance creator or group) or the world author. There is no shortage of world authors that want more control over who can or cannot make use of their worlds. And there are already issues raised about rather or not the world author can creatively-blacklist certain players or groups from their published worlds.
The only thing mentioned in guidelines is that they can't use automatic Udon blacklisting scripts. There are no rules saying that they can't actively patrol their instances and kick people they don't like for no other reason with their world author moderation powers.
Deantwo, LoppyDaCutie: Only groups can shut down their own instances. World authors won't be able to close instances unless it's a group instance and they have permission. (This might change in the future - for example, maybe an instance needs to be closed for technical reasons.)
Fax Tupper - VRChat Head of Community what we want is not to give world authors the ability to close our group instances from the world at all unless given permission directly from the group owner.
"World authors won't be able to close instances unless it's a group instance" < meaning they will be able to close any group instance they don't own all they want.
it makes more sense to say world authors/creators will not be able to close group instances unless given permission by the group owner.
group owners will not be able to close Actual publics unless they are the author of that world.
it makes more sense to say who has the power specifically, for each instance, because what I read is that group owners have no power for the groups they run, and world authors have control over any group. which isn't right.
hopefully I cleared some misunderstandings up.
thankyou fax
LoppyDaCutie, sorry if I was unclear!
This upcoming feature
affects group instances and group members who have permission to close an instance.Public instances cannot be closed.
World creators don't have the ability to close group instance. (Unless they're in the group, and they have the necessary group permission.)
Your Cow Femboy
I love this. I run a bar and id love to be able to close my instances more efficiently.
The ability to upgrade the instance privacy level to a more private type in general would be really useful. Rather than downgrading, which might have negative consequences (people who don't want to be in public suddenly being dumped into public), allow only upgrades to, say, group+ or friends+ (hidden) so the instance can die off naturally. If current participants want a public instance, they can then create a new instance.
That was something I've thought about too.
Old public group sessions that have long been abandoned by the hosts might give people a false sense of safety.
Maybe there could be some special marking to let people know if anybody with a mod role is active in the world.
That way people will see it's abandoned and join one that has an active mod instead so the older group instances will just putter out on their own.