Make Desktop User Pickup Ray Casting work in Situations Where it Works for VR Users
Since the year 2018, ray casts for Interaction have been inconsistent between desktop mode and VR.
It was briefly fixed.
It is still relevant.
It will be more relevant with touch screens being added to the platform.
Desktop (and I assume touch screen) ray casts are blocked by colliders.
This makes designing things frustrating and leads to either designing for VR users and making desktop users complain, or designing for desktop users and limiting the design choices.
Putting things on a layer for mirrors is not a solution, it is a hack.
Every build except for 2019.1.2.Log In
Momo the Monster
Fixed in SDK 3.2.3!
Added a mask for "interaction passthrough" in the WorldDescriptor, so that world creators can allow interaction and grabs to occur through user defined layers. By default (Nothing) they will use the legacy behaviour, which was to always block interactions and grabs.
Note: This does not change the normal Unity behaviour that if a ray begins inside a collider, it ignores that collider. This means that desktop (which begins its ray from the center of the Player Capsule) will behave differently than VR, where the tracked hand can enter colliders that the Player Capsule cannot.
Here is a more detailed diagram of an example where the inconsistency appears: