World child instances (multiple scenes)
The ability for worlds to have sub-instances to save on performance at the cost of a loading screen. Basically a portal or Udon function pointing to another world ID that creates a child instance, kinda like a linked list.
Moving to a child instance should of course have a prompt to avoid world creators using it as a void dimension for people they dislike. (maybe even add a button to return to the parent instance)
Rec Room has had a similar feature for a while, it allows for larger worlds without needing to fit everything in one scene. (especially useful for RAM-limited headsets like Quest)
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There are currently lots of examples of "World Sets" out there which can benefit from this feature (Some of them are the biggest events on VRChat). This feature would also make it possible to open up more large-form, expansive, adventure content to Mobile/Android (something which is relatively rare on those platforms), since the requirement to load the entire world at once puts an extremely hard cap on what's currently possible.
This + persistence user data and we got an MMO.
I would also like to see background loading for these. This would allow for "seamless" transitions between instances