SetVoiceDistanceFar Max is 10000.
If you use VRCPlayerApi.SetVoiceDistanceFar() or VRCPlayerApi.SetVoiceDistanceNear() The the value seems to get clamped to a maximum of 10000.
I would like the maximum range to be as high as possible for stuff like aircraft radios.
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From a numerical standpoint of aviation, the average aviation world in VRChat is approximately 40km x 40km in size (based on default prefab settings).
Therefore, setting the SetVoiceDistanceFar value to only 10,000 meters (10km) limits the communication area to just a quarter of the entire world.
This restriction means that not only can players on the ground communicate with each other, but event organizers also struggle to communicate with participants (such as pilots) spread out across the world.
In such cases, we currently resort to using Discord or other communication tools. However, this requires everyone to join the server and run the software alongside VRChat, which is inconvenient for visitors of the event or worlds, VRChat beginners, and even for veteran users.
As a result, this issue has led to the loss of many opportunities for events, roleplay, and other activities within the VRChat client.
I think this issue is common to any other game worlds with huge world sizes.
Thus, we require the maximum range to be as high as possible.
The description for Player Audio's "Set Voice Distance Far" says "Maximum value is 1,000,000m", but in reality, if players are more than about 10,000m/10km apart, they will not be able to hear each other's voices.
In VRChat, there are already worlds where you can experience things like "air traffic control for commercial aircraft", "guiding a distressed aircraft to an airport by radio", and "combat with enemy aircraft outside visual range using long-range missiles while receiving instructions from air traffic controllers by radio".
Also, in an aircraft battle royale, there are times when the referee needs to speak to all the aircraft at the same time, without knowing where they are in the world.
However, the audio from the virtual radio using Player Audio only reaches up to 10km, and 10km is too short for a world that involves aircraft, so they are unable to have the complete experience they initially envisioned, and they are forced to use Discord in conjunction.
By setting the audio range to the same distance as the documentation (1,000,000m), it will be possible to have an even more wonderful experience than before in the VRChat world that handles aircraft.