Physbones in the Worlds SDK
Physbones is really cool. In particular it has a performant set of tools that allow for avatar-avatar interaction.
Please port the Physbones code so we can use it in Worlds too! It would make making many Worlds things far easier, like buttons and levers.
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If this does get added, please include contacts as well as physbones! It would be so nice to have avatar-to-udon and udon-to-avatar interactions withour having to rely on janky workarounds like log scraping
Fax Exciting!
Fax and not TRACKED? Why?
Hi narazaka! Thank you for expressing your interest.
naqtn's comment summarizes it well: This Canny post is not marked as 'tracked' because we're not currently working on this feature. We'll let you know once that changes!
I've let the team know how important this request is to you. Adding Physbones is one of the most popular feature requests for the Worlds SDK, so I would be surprised if we don't implement it
.(Edit: For posterity - "Tracked" means that we're tracking this issue in our internal issue tracker. It doesn't usually mean that we're working on it.)
Fax Thank you. I want to let you and your team know that WE strongly desire this most interesting feature as soon as possible.
Fax And, I might add, I would like to know WHY this most popular feature request is STILL not currently in the active plan.
Fax Thank you for the update! Put this user down as one more requester of this feature. I have a whole world built that hinges on this functionality that's sitting dormant, and it would allow for such cool and innovative world interaction and people could get super creative with it.
Merged in a post:
Why not consider PhysBone in the World? | Why not implement World PhysBone?
This has been highly desired for a very long time and yet the issue has not even been TRACKED.
What kind of decisions are being made?
I feel that VRChat is too cold to the technical requests of world authors.
I don't want to hear that it is no longer on the roadmap or any such nonsense. I want to know why.
we NEEEED Physbones and contacts in worlds. SO many different props and interactions could be possible if they were ported to the world SDK
Please world physbones.
It's been two and a half years, and we got the new constraints system in worlds as well when that shipped! Seriously why is this still not a worlds tool?
I am a creator of AvatarNPC, a world gimmick that allows avatars to live together as NPCs on VRChat.
All of the avatars released for VRChat today rely on PhysBones, which need to be replaced with DynamicBones in order to use the shaky ones in AvatarNPCs.
This is a lot of work for the end-user and it is impossible to reproduce the original avatar's movements with DynamicBone.
And worst of all, the version of DynamicBone that works with VRChat is out of date, and unless you downloaded it back then, it is difficult to get that version today.
The parameters of the DynamicBone components are already slightly different, making it difficult to adjust them on the editor.
As a developer of the system, it pains me to see the further loss of compatibility between avatar and world functions since VRCConstraint has also been released and that too does not work with worlds.
Contact functionality is also required, but I would like to see the system whitelisted, at least for the swing functionality.
I would like to see this in action as well. It would be really nice to be able to touch certain things in the world and have them interact with your hands. like specific trees or plants. As an animator, It would be absolutely amazing to be able to animate a creature that responds to touching it, like petting a dog on the head, or an angry man eating plant that will growl at your hands if they get to close and snap at them when touched. Having the ability to do this without the need to code would be tremendously useful.
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