Get Avatar Performance Rank via Udon
Please provide us a function so we can get the Current avatar ranking of an avatar worn by a player. (e.G could just return an Enum or Int for rating)
The Club scene will thank you!
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Personally not for this as it would bring a level of moderation based on the inaccurate performance rank system. also how would this work cross platform?
Happyrobot33 Here's the problem: Most people attending events do not need very poor or even poor avatars. Most of those are caused by people having too many outfits or a ton of asset toggles.
Especially with VRCFury, d4rk's avatar optimizer, and other tools, it is trivial to make an optimized/stripped version of your avatar that works for clubs.
It's hard to enjoy a club when everyone is a fallback or robot. Sure, we have impostors now, but they are still not great quality.
Yes, the performance ranking system could use some work. But it still is pretty effective for the most part.
Hmmm this might be useful, though perhaps this should be done on a per-instance or per-world basis. Udon is great for dynamically reacting to what players do, but I can't imagine many situations where the performance rank requirement changes dynamically in an instance.
Although... maybe it could scale based on player count? Hard to say.
Faxmashine: Simple Example for Clubworlds:
- if avatar is green (so good or better): open the door to events
- otherwise see a closed door with text "please change avatar"
per instance or world is NOT a good idea in this case, because you want that dancers or staff in such club can still use red avatars
Faxmashine Performance requirement usually changes when the event is over. Lots of people leave, and we allow people to switch back to their less optimized avatars for the after-party.
|KitKat|Easy enough to script a system to track that and make a button for the instance owner to push when the event is finished. If only we had access to the performance ranks. We just need a VRCPlayerApi.getPerformaceRank