Expose LightmapSettings & LightmapData
This will allow maps to have a day night toggle (or change the lighting in other ways) while still using backed lighting.
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Bump for this. Multi-lightmap support opens up a lot of options for making high fidelity maps with day/night cycles or even toggleable indoor lighting and it's a shame this isn't already here.
I'd love to be able to swap light probes at runtime with this 🌸 we have very few ways to light avatars in VRChat without resorting to projectors 💖 it's important
Dark Karma
Im so gonna need this.
cause Im planning to have multiple lightmaps for my world, so it would be nice if I can use "LightmapSettings.lightmaps" command to switch the lightmap according to the situation
I definitely support this, in particular exposing lightmap settings for probe data.
This would be a huge boon for a few things - but for our use, it would allow us to use bakery, and also still have RTGI that can illuminate avatars for select small areas of the world. EDIT: I now realize that may not be as feasible as I expected.
I also suggest to expose LightProbes and SphericalHarmonicsL2[] (SphericalHarmonicsL2 already exposed) to also allow switching of pre-baked set of lightprobes and modifying it at run-time.
At the moment, it is very difficult to switch non-real-time lighting, for this you need to use strange methods, like copying meshes or complex non-standard shaders. And lightprobes are completely untouchable. But Unity by design has features to switch baked scene lighting. RenderSettings are already exposed, which allows creators to manage some ambient lighting settings. I see no reason not to expose access to the rest of the baked lighting settings to give creators full control over the lighting.
It would be great if LightProbes would also be exposed so baked lightprobe data can be swapped out at runtime.
Momo the Monster