Modifications to the VRC Default World Scene will be reset silently (without any confirmation).
In VRCSDK Worlds 3.5.0, VRC Default World Scene template is added and VRC Default World Scene based on the template is created if no scene is existing in the Assets folder.
However, because
returns an empty array on
, if AssetDatabase cache is missing, Worlds Sample Scene will be created even if scenes are in the Assets folder.
In addition, Since
will override the existing scene silently, modifications to
will be reverted.
This problem is very problematic because AssetDatabase cache is missing when restoring a project from backup.
Backup created by VCC will not include Library folder, so the first startup of Unity doesn't have AssetDatabase cache.
Steps to Reproduce
  1. Create and open VRCSDK Worlds 3.5.0 project
  2. Modify VRCDefaultWorldScene and save
  3. Close Unity
  4. Remove Library folder
  5. Reopen project
  6. Modifications to the VRCDefaultWorldScene are reverted.
Currently, In the
is called on the
and Instantiated scene in delayCall.
I confirmed moving
into delayCall will fix this problem.
In addition, I think it’s better to just instantiate VRCDefaultWorldScene template without saving a scene for several reasons.
(I mean pass null for third parameter of
First, saving to the exactly same path will cause to unexpectedly override our scene on importing unity package.
Many VRChat creators don’t understand unity much.
Some (especially for beginners) creators use
of the initialized unity project for contents creation.
However, since the GUID of the SampleScene is exactly the same for all projects in the world, It’s happening to replace modified
(or renamed ones) with
from unitypackage unexpectedly.
(GUID of
is different for each project, but the path is the same, so It is still likely to override
Users should be aware of which file is included in unity package, but I think it’s good to avoid this problem.
Secondly, not saving to disk initially will force creators to think about where the scene is.
As mentioned above, beginner VRChat creators do not know about scenes, and I often see them confused when a previously opened scene does not reopen upon startup.
I think letting creators think about scenes is good.
not save default scene automatically, just open in-memory scene on the startup and let users save a scene manually because it lets users know something is saved to file.
Modifications to the VRC Default World Scene will be reset silently, so please fix the problem.
This problem is very problematic because VRC Default World Scene will be reset silently when restoring the project from backup.
As one of the ways to fix this problem, I think it might be good to let creators choose the scene path manually instead of automatically save to