Standard Lite emission broken in Unity 2022
available in future release
In Unity 2022, emission on the Standard Lite shader will break upon saving the project or uploading the avatar.
Sometimes emission is even missing upon loading the project. You can bring it back by clicking the affected materials in the file list, but saving the project or uploading the avatar will remove the emission again.
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Valence VRC
Merged in a post:
[Worlds 3.5.0] VRChat Unity 2022 Standard Lite emissions bug?
I appear to have found a bug in the Standard Lite shader involving using images as an emission inside of Unity 2022. Standard appears fine, but Standard Lite is not working.
I have uploaded an unlisted YT video to demonstrate the problem.
Valence VRC
Merged in a post:
[1436] Standard Lite emission not working on PC
Standard Lite previously had some bugs with emission not showing up on Android build targets. However, the shader now does not show emission on PC build targets. This applies to both avatars and worlds on PC. It should be mentioned that this issue does not affect old blueprints or content uploaded to the Android build target.
Additionally, I have provided an image of an avatar using Standard Lite in the editor, and how the same avatar appears in game on a PC client.
One final note: Standard Lite emission does not preview properly in the editor either. Whenever the scene is reloaded or Play mode is exited, emission will stop previewing on the avatar. This is fixed by clicking on the material in your assets window, but it will once again stop previewing emissions as soon as the scene is reloaded. This behavior has been present ever since Standard Lite was updated with reflections, AO, and detail textures.
the issue is that the emission toggle property is not being properly serialized, meaning it doenst save with the material and resets itself when you save the unity project. Literally all that needs to be added to fix this is
material.SetFloat("_EnableEmission", shouldEmissionBeEnabled ? 1 : 0);
at the very end of the
method in the StandardLiteShaderGUI.cs
file. Please fixK
Happyrobot33 Can this be added on the user side? Or would the SDK throw a error at upload for the moded script?
KONASTARmaking this mod to your SDK is fine as all you are changing is the behaviour of the unity editors visuals itself, since the editor is the one misbehaving, not the shader itself
Happyrobot33 Thanks for the info, I'll give it a crack and let you know how I go.
Happyrobot33 where do I put it exactly or how do I type it in there I don't wanna ruin the coding
I know it's gonna be available in a future release, but we've seen two SDK updates since it got marked for future release and it's still not fixed. I just figured out how to fix this problem manually.
I had to open the material file in Notepad++ and change 'EnableEmission' on line 69 or 70, from 0 to 1. That's the only way I found to keep the emission enabled.
Valence VRC
available in future release
Valence VRC Thank you so much for looking into this for us, its only a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but it can be a big difference for the Quest avatars we create. The VRC Devs are amazing keep up the good work.
Valence VRC
KONASTAR Happy to help! It ended up being a simple fix, but took quite a while (as you could probably tell) to nail down the problem. It's not in the beta that just went out today, but you should be seeing it soon enough!
Valence VRC Hey sorry for the ping , but is there and estimation for when a fix for this will be officially released ? its making vrc world creation quite a pain if i wanna use standard lite shader
Valence VRC
Nekomiani This is resolved in Live now! If you're still encountering the issue, make sure you've updated to the latest SDKs and check your materials again.
Valence VRCOh sorry for the ping then i will check that right away just saw tha this post was marked as available in future release xD thank you for the answer <3
similar with worlds on PC side, noticed today, setting emission to 0.1 on on "standard" in my world makes it 0.5 after clicking around on other objects, then back to check settings. one material switched to 2.2 i think i set that one to 0.5 initally, so its broken on worlds as well with standard shader. (well atleast in my project)
Please fix the emisison big, its really annoying, or I'll have to downgrade, I cant work with this long term.
You guys serious, its been months with no fix for this?? What are we supposed to do, just stop making quest content?
This emission bug with the Standard Lite shader seems to only happen on materials that never had emissions enabled before on a Unity 2022 project, while materials with emissions enabled on that same shader in a Unity 2019 project that are transferred over (both Mat and Meta file) to a Unity 2022 project will stay on when the scene is saved/or uploading an avatar.
I only discovered this now when I was working on a friend's avatar and ran into this bug when I wanted to put emissions on the quest version.
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That bug appears to not affect the Android version of VRChat, at least in-game. I was doing testing with an avatar I was working on for Android, and realized that the emission was visible on that platform in-game, which was uploaded using Unity 2022. Despite that, I do also exprience problems with emissions as mentioned by the previous comments and on this post when working with Unity projects and in game on PC platform.
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