SetMaterial action use wrong material named similarly
SetMaterial action use wrong material in some cases. It depends on how materials named.
* Reproduce 100% if scene data is so
* You can see at wrld_2d141628-bab5-461d-b0ff-7c81e1a0ebb0
* Tested with client 2018.3.2 built636, SDK VRCSDK-2018.
- Create new world (Create new project, make floor, add VRC_SceneDescriptor, assign Spawns point).
- Create materials
2-1. Create two materials in diffrent folder.
2-2. Name these equal name. (Ex. "f1/Mat.mat", "f2/Mat.mat")
2-3. Change albedo color as visually identifiable. (Ex. Red to "f1/Mat.mat", Blue to "f2/Mat.mat")
2-4. Create two objects and assign each materials. (This step is for ensuring materials available in DynamicMaterials of VRC_SceneDescriptor. I used spheres in following screenshot.)
- Setup SetMatrial action
3-1. Create two objects. Name t1 and t2. (I used cubes in screenshots.)
3-2. Setup VRC_Trigger > OnInteract > SetMatrial to self. And use each created material for material parameter of the action
- Test
Expected behaviour:
Interaction with t1 changes t1 material to "f1/Mat.mat". And,
Interaction with t2 changes t2 material to "f2/Mat.mat".
Actual result:
t1 and t2 change to identical material.
- Additional test
5-1. Change material name of that is not appeared actually in privious test. Add characters to the tail of original name. (ex. "Mat111.mat")
5-2. Setup VRC_Trigger again. (This step need because VRC_Trigger doesn't follow material renaming.)
5-3. Test. The result doen't change.
This means equal name is not true source of this issue.
(If it is not reproduced. Try exchange materials name. It depends on reordering DynamicMaterials when SDK builds world. I couldn't get ordering rule enabling 100% reproduce.)
I guess the runtime behavior of Set Material action as follows:
- Extract parameter string from SetMaterial action. Check it begins with "Assets/". If so, continue.
- Remove charcters from beginning to last "/" .
- Iterate DynamicMaterials of VRC_SceneDescriptor from head, and check if its material name (not include path and ".mat" extension) matches head of the string of step 2. If it matches, use that material.
I think it should also use folder names section of specified asset path string.
And of course, it should compare entire string.
This is result of additional test.
- f1/Mat.mat is actually red.
- f2/Mat111.mat is actually bule.
- Both SetMaterial use f1/Mat.mat
Triggers actually use f1/Mat.mat and f2/Mat111.mat.
> 2018.10.03 12:19:54 Log - [VRC_TriggerInternal] 15.12996 t1 via OnInteract executing [SetMaterial (False, 0.000, 0, "t1", Assets/iwsd_vrc/Issues/set-material-to-unexpected/Reproset/f1/Mat.mat, 0)]
> 2018.10.03 12:19:55 Log - [VRC_TriggerInternal] 15.6973 t2 via OnInteract executing [SetMaterial (False, 0.000, 0, "t2", Assets/iwsd_vrc/Issues/set-material-to-unexpected/Reproset/f2/Mat111.mat, 0)]
(Recently we had software version up. So this screenshots aren't taken with latest software. But I could reproduce with latest. It's same.)
Name materials uniquely with long name. Don't use a name which matches the head of another material name.
SetMaterial アクションが間違ったマテリアルを使う事がある。起こるかどうかはマテリアルの名前の付け方に依存している。
- SetMaterial の文字列を取り出す。先頭が「Assets/」であることを確認する
- 文字列の先頭から最後の「/」までを捨てる
- DynamicMaterials を先頭から見ていき、そのアセットの名前(パスと「.mat」は含まれない)が前述文字列の先頭部分に一致したら、それを使用する。
これにより同名のマテリアルが別のフォルダに入っているとどちらか一方しか使う事が出来ない。そうでない方を使っている SetMaterial は間違ったマテリアルを使用することになる。
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Closing due to age and because I'm pretty sure this was fixed a LONG time ago.
Ruuubick - Designer
in progress
Can be tested in Open Beta
Ruuubick - Designer
I can confirm that the bug is actually coming from VRC_SceneDescriptor.GetMaterial() it returns the wrong material because it's comparing the material name not of the exact name but only if the material can CONTAIN in the name. The same problem can appear in VRC_SceneDescriptor.GetPrefab() because it's the same implementation. (tested in build 772)
I found same issue report with prefab:
I've had similar issues in my own world, but with prefabs instead. After days of trying to debug it, I came across this bug report and decided to rename everything (adding a letter behind every prefab) and now it works flawlessly. Thank you!
I think the same problem exists with SpawnObject. I've been having an issue where it'll spawn the wrong prefab. My workaround is currently to duplicate and rename the prefab, I'll do some more testing at some point.