VRCSDK version: 2021. (SDK3-Avatars)
Unity version: Unity2019.4.31f1
I think this problem started right after the upgrade to Unity 2019.
In the Avatar Issue of the Builder in the Control Panel, the Select button where it says "This avatar has mipmapped textures without 'Streaming Mip Maps' enabled." is not working.
When I press the Select button, I expected the texture file in the Project view to be selected, but actually no texture file is selected.
This problem is caused by assigning an array of TextureImporter to Selection.objects.
Even if you assign TextureImporter to Selection, it seems that what is selected is the TextureImporter and not Texture2D.
If you convert the Texture Importer to Texture2D and substitute it into Selection, the texture file seems to be selected.
The following are suggested corrections.
Currently, it looks like this. The TextureImporter is stored in the variable badTextures.
VRCSdkControlPanelAvatarBuilder.cs (line 970-971)
| _builder.OnGUIError(avatar, "This avatar has mipmapped textures without 'Streaming Mip Maps' enabled.",
| () => { Selection.objects = badTextures.ToArray(); },
You can substitute a Texture2D array by making the following changes.
| Selection.objects = badTextures.Select(ti => AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ti)).Select(pth => AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(pth)).ToArray();