In VRCSDK3 Avatars, if BlendShapeNormals in FBX is Calculate, the validation is displayed.
If I press AutoFix here, LegacyBlendShapeNormals will be enabled.
But I think LegacyBlendShapeNormals is an old method as it is named Legacy.
Since relying on AutoFix in VRCSDK is not a way to get out of the old method, we would like to change it to use the new method.
Instead of enabling LegacyBlendShapeNormals, I would like to change BlendShapeNormals to None.
Incidentally, depending on the new Blender FBX export settings, LegacyBlendShapeNormals may break mesh normals.
So I am trying to find a way to avoid using LegacyBlendShapeNormals.
I am using VRCSDK3Avatars 3.6.0.