Docs about what happens if the same avatar has different physbones on PC & Android
What happens if the Android version of an avatar has fewer physbones than the PC version? I suspect that physbone interactions can't
just be calculated locally, since for example, late joiners need to be able to see posed physbones.... Are they synced based on an index, or on the bone name, or what?Log In
They are synced by the Network ID (similarly when you want to sync objects between worlds cross-platform). As far as I know, as long as the PC and Quest version looks almost identical in the Hierarchy, the Phys bones will just sync properly, but otherwise, you want to open the Network ID editor, export your PC PhysBone IDs then import it onto your Quest version, then you can assign the corresponding PhysBones there.
I can also confirm PhysBones will stay synced even for late joiners, but I still curious about what happens if the PhysBones lengths are longer than the other (for example if a character's tail has 10 PhysBones on PC, but only 5 on Quest), then which bone would the system trying to grab? or what if there's multiple chains like hair (I know you could technically assign the PhysBone components for each hair chains, and it would sync just fine that way, but that would lead to too many PhysBone components)?
But yeah, some kind of documentation would be good, also most of the avatar creators aren't aware of this, I think 80%+ of the avatars has syncing issues cross-platform with the PhysBones