Regarding patch 2023.2.4p1, the changelog notes "Fixed translation offsets for position constraints not scaling correctly"
Translation offsets for position constraints not scaling correctly don’t normally scale as these are world space offsets.
VRC must then have logic to specifically scale these values in addition to the normal scaling.
This now means that the behaviour seen in the unity editor, and in VRC is different.
While the behaviour that VRC does is what someone unfamiliar with this this quirk would expect, the difference in behaviour between editor and ingame is not.
I’ll note that this difference in behaviour is also not documented in the avatar scaling docs linked in the dev update.
Will tools like AV3Emulator need to emulate the logic vrc has added for constraints?
Does this fix also effect parent constraints?, the patch note only mentions position constraints
Will VRC implement scaling of other components that don’t normally scale, such as audio, lights or particle systems (of which the default setting won’t scale)?