Whitelist ParticleSystemForceField component for avatar/world interaction.
The ParticleSystemForceField component new to Unity 2018, combined with "external forces" module can open up a whole new breadth of avatar/world interactions not seen since Ik controlled GPU Particles.
Mimi made an example showing what this component can do: https://i.imgur.com/yglb74H.gifv
For the module to be useful, it must be allowed on avatars so that (combined with IKFollower) leg and arm positions can emit forces. Doing so can enable new types of 30dof interactions not seen before between avatars or between avatars and particle systems in worlds.
Worlds that wish to block avatar particle interactions must only uncheck avatar layers including Player, MirrorReflection etc. For this reason it should be safe to allow avatars to carry this component without impeding world creation.
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Thank you for adding this component to SDK3 worlds!
Although VRChat may currently have no plans to add it to avatars, it is still a feature deserving of a canny. I have created a new canny specifically for avatars. Feel free to voice your support here:
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
As of build 904, we have added ParticleSystemForceField to SDK3 world whitelist. SDK2 worlds do NOT have access to this component.
We have no plans to add this component to the avatar whitelist.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Massive yes please.
This would be very good, and if by any chance someone is worried that the author of the world does not want to use that, it will be as easy as putting an option in the scene descriptor that lets you activate or deactivate it(something like the image).
and if someone in particular does not like to use that, it would be as easy as putting it in the safe system.
so everyone would be happy, the creators of worlds that do not want to be used in their world, for x reason, and the players, who can deactivate it in the safe system, such as lights, dynamic bones, etc.
javiermoreno15: i get the idea, but why even have the checkbox? if your particle system has "external forces" not enabled, its not possible to manipulable the particles anyways.
aka if u dont want it to effect your particle systems, it wont
Zer0ᵛʳ: for example, if I am going to use wind on a map and I want the particles to be affected, but I don't want the player to manipulate them
javiermoreno15: The setting is in the particle system's External Forces module. If you have particles in your world that you would not want players to influence, just remove Player, MirrorReflection and PlayerLocal from your particle system's "Influence mask". The decision is entirely up to the world creator.
Relevant documentation here: https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.4/Documentation/Manual/PartSysExtForceModule.html
"Influence Mask Use a Layer Mask to determine which Force Fields affect this Particle System. This appears when the Influence Filter is set to Layer Mask.
This is set to Everything by default, but you can enable or disable the following options individually:"
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Merged in a post:
Whitelist ParticleSystemForceField
Please give us "ParticleSystemForceFields", they are an amazing new addition to unity 2018.1 and will allow us to interact with each other. We can make partnered animations, interactible stuff and more. I'm sure crazy creative animators out there will use this to create some crazy stuff that will blow our minds.
All of this is possible because ParticleSystems->ExternalForces now have an option to work on a layer which every player CAN access and manipulate the particles from other people.
KEEP IN MIND this is optional if you don't want that you can disable it or opt out from using layers to a fixed object list.
All of this is default included in Unity itself and wont cause any other adjustments what so ever.
Its the ultimate dream of every animator to have this enabled and it is much more optimized than wind zones ever were.
Think of all the creative things you could do with this. YES PLEASE!
Yes, whitelist a unity default feature... wow guys
Lightning Test
No, this is a really bad idea, it would make the game far too fun and I wouldn't be able to take off my headset.
Yes :O
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