I noticed that when some friends would stretch my avatars nose, I could not see it stretched. So I did some investigation:
Seems like some sort of networking issue?
On the live game everything works as normal, if I move my physbones, other people see them moved, if they move them, I see them moved.
On the beta:
If I move / stretch / pose my physbones, only I see them moved, other clients do not see them moved.
If another person moves my physbones, all remote clients see them moved, but I do not.
UPDATE: after writing the above I realized that it may be related to the network compatibility of the open beta, and found a friend also on the open beta. They were able to see my physbones move when I moved them! So its only interactions between live clients and open beta clients where this seems to happen.
The avatar id of the avatar that I noticed this on is, but it seems to happen on other avatars I tried: avtr_1b2c6655-d89d-438f-89a4-1014e651b502
I've attached some images of this happening, however its somewhat hard to distinguish which are in what context. In order: What my friend on live sees, what I see, what I see when not on the beta.
The images are from desktop mode, however I tested VR and the same thing occurs.