[Dolly] Active Dolly with anchor not set to world rotates the dolly/camera area
When creating dolly paths, and playing said path, if you have anchor not set to world it will rotate the dolly path/camera completely of it's base.
Steps to get said effect:
- Create Dolly paths (I created mine to loop, so it was easier to test)
- Set camera anchor to default or local
- Start dolly sequence
- Rotate the player (turn left/right, as you spin around)
- Watch the camera/dolly path rotate off the path that was set up.
- Stop, and switch anchor to world
- Start dolly sequence and turn around again
- Dolly camera will stick with the path and not rotate around when the player rotates.
Video also shows what's happening: https://youtu.be/9ENoKDBI6fs
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tbh, I thought this was intended behavior. Having the Camera Anchor apply to the camera path lets you do things like dolly the camera around a moving vehicle in vehicle worlds by anchoring it to the player/local space. This would be much more difficult/impossible if the camera dolly is always locked to world space.