Delayed Mesh Re-Enabling After Cull/Uncull
available in future release
When certain users are culled and then unculled, parts of their avatar's mesh reappear in stages rather than all at once. For instance, I’ve observed one user whose clothing mesh was re-enabled before their body mesh. In the video example provided, a user's head mesh is enabled before their body mesh. This bug does appear to be minor though, as the entire avatar re-enables relatively quickly
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available in future release
Thanks very much for reporting this. If you're aware of other examples of avatars suffering from this issue on the open beta, please consider giving their avatar IDs here. If that's not possible, footage and/or the name of the user with the avatar would be fine too.
Dexvoid Here's the person I showed off in the video in the report.
This could be an issue if the body mesh reenables before clothing, particularly at low frame rates…