[1583] Some meshes on avatars are not visible in Open Beta
available in future release
Some meshes on avatars are not visible in Open Beta
So far as per as our test found following conditions,
*Seems to be there is/are certain pattern it cause issue
*If condition matched with pattern, will make mesh invisible
Avatar linked below can reproduce issue on Open Beta.
We don't have issue seeing this model on live branch and on Unity Editor.
- https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_86c13b95-a60c-42c7-ad27-8023bc6ecdac - the minimum reproducible model in which all mesh become invisible.
- https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_5a4b9c66-a6fe-434a-9983-9aef34d3300b - the model contains both visible and invisible mesh. on live everything is visible (picture 1) but glasses is invisible on open beta (picture 2)
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available in future release
I also encountered a similar phenomenon today.
Based on my investigation, I have formulated the following hypothesis regarding the conditions under which a mesh may not be displayed:
The mesh has a Skinned Mesh Renderer but no bones assigned.
(I have not yet been able to verify whether the presence of Blend Shapes affects this.)
For other people's avatars, it seems that Skinned Mesh Renderers without bones assigned but also without Blend Shapes are still visible.
Skinned Mesh Renderers with bones assigned appear to be displayed correctly.
If these patterns hold true, then these conditions might be the determining factors.
Merged in a post:
[1582]Specific objects not appearing on avatar in beta but can still be seen by non-beta users
Miss Widgey
I have a pair of red rimless glasses that I have on multiple avatars which are on the head bone that are on by default and have a toggle to be turned off. However in the beta the glasses do not appear.
This is happening across multiple avatars that I haven't updated in weeks. These objects cannot be seen both locally and remotely in the beta however I have confirmed with a friend and personally that this issue is not present in the non-beta build.
It is strange because I have other objects linked to my head bone as well and they don't have issues.
Edit: I have come across some other objects that're doing this, which are also on the head bone.
Miss Widgey
Having the same exact issue. Had me a thread here with examples if a mod wants to merge it with this post. On the 1583 build I had a couple instances of the mesh appearing for a single frame before disappearing then loading into the avatar, I'm wondering if you looked at this avatar remotely with anims off in safety settings if you would be able to see the object if it was enabled by default in the hierarchy. If so it might narrow things down: https://feedback.vrchat.com/open-beta/p/1582specific-objects-not-appearing-on-avatar-in-beta-but-can-still-be-seen-by-no
Edit: Okay tested that theory with a friend and the mesh still doesn't appear but said friend said they experienced a similar issue with a common denominator that their mesh was linked to their avi via nondestructive modular tools same as mine. However I have multiple meshes using the same method that don't have this issue.
Merged in a post:
[1583] LilToon Gem shader is invisible in-game
Included images are the unity project showing the shader on the mesh properly (horns); a Print Photo from someone currently not on the Open Beta (horns show properly to them); and my own picture in the Open Beta that shows the shader is for whatever reason not rendering at all.
Merged in a post:
[1583] Objects tracked by Chest are not displayed from my perspective.
We are currently modifying the avatar. I would like to report a problem that occurred there. From other people's point of view, I could see the object, while from my point of view, I could not see the object from both desktop, camera and mirror. When I reverted to the normal build, they are visible, so it is probably a bug in the 1583 build. Also, the objects tied to other Armatures seem to be ok.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
All my avatars that use SyncDances by Kinimara won't have the props show but non beta users can. Here is one (avtr_485dc10e-2501-46e8-b8bd-06ddd829beae).
Menu path:
Toggles/SyncDances by Kinimara/SyncDances/Dances 17-24/Kirby Trumpet
The other prop works Yukopi SyncWalk, which is a recorder flute. Just the trumpet props wont show on beta
Miss Widgey
update: in 1583 I'm still having the same issue however the glasses do appear for one frame when loading in from another avatar before disappearing. I'm not sure if that means the beta has a slightly different way of loading animations or animators, but thought I'd put out this detail.
Frostbite Gator
I have some avatars with a wrist band on it that does not appear when toggled, but other people seem to see it (avtr_341e10d4-ee9f-4a15-a434-fbfd5ffae18c). I've narrowed it down to only being this issue on the open beta (build 1583), as I am able to see it on regular version of VRChat (Build 1568) or within Unity.
This isn't consistent across all of my avatars, because I have other avatars with the same wrist band that appears for both myself and others, regardless if live or beta versions of VRChat (avtr_d4737dc2-3362-46bf-b3ee-0b6ba8d2b90d).
To any upvoters also seeing this problem, please consider commenting with your own avatar ID, since the more examples we have to work with, the better.
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