[1582] [Dolly] Adjusting node options that are high up from the ground is impossible
To edit a node the player needs to be near it. This how ever uses the player root / capsule, which is always on the ground.
This causes you to not be able to edit nodes that are high up from the ground when using things like Play space Mover to get to them.
Reproduction Steps:
- Launch VRChat in SteamVR Mode with OVR Advanced Settings installed
- Go to the VRChat Home World
- Import the camera / dolly path from below
- Try to play space up to the 4th node to edit it
If you do this you will notice that you can't edit the node.
Expected Behaviour:
If a node can be edited should be determined from the camera position of the player and not the root. Doing so would allow you to edit nodes that are high up from the ground by just play space moving there.
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