[1582] Android User avatar culling broken
User on Android Platforms are shown as diamonds while actually should be shown in there avatar.
My Settings:
* max 20 Avatars
* max 50m
* Friends always shown
Both Pictures are from PC VR. In both picture do i have non friends behind the android users, which are shown in there avatar (which i haven't force shown). After some minutes they switched to there avatars. Screenshots were taken at 23:24:48/23:24:50
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no you, canny bot
_tau_ Uhhh.. I hate to do this, I am experiencing this bug again in build 1584.
TheXev: Are you able to take a video or post log files from around the time it occured?
_tau_ The key thing to reproducing it for me is this: I can have a number of avatars set and it works fine, the second I enable distance is when I start randomly seeing the bug occur. Normally I use 8-10 avatars, and a distance of 3-10 meters.
I also noticed that it only seems to happen with player characters move from behind me into my vision more often. I don't know if that helps.
TheXev: I'll mark it as open again and we'll try to repro, thanks.
_tau_ Dunno if I've noticed the issue reoccurring, but I'll keep an eye out as well.
TheXev Salbug Thank you! We haven't yet been able to repro this internally - if you happen to see this issue again, please provide your log file if possible.
This post was marked as
available in future release
needs more information
A fix for a very similar problem (avatars becoming permanently hidden by personal space) was included in build 1584 on the open beta. Is this issue with distance hiding still triggering on that build for anyone here?
Dexvoid i haven't seen it since VRChat beta update yesterday
Dexvoid Yeah, it has been good since the last Open Beta
Merged in a post:
[1583] Avatar Culling Not Always working
Vincent Defash
Since Open Beta 1582, avatar culling sometimes doesn't work within the radius of the culling distance. Trying to hide and manually show avatars affected by this bug sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Adjusting the size rarely works, disabling culling doesn't work for players that aren't shown in the culling radius.
I noticed this bug on PC, but I'm not sure if this effects other platforms, as I don't use those platforms.
even better XD
Sounds similar to what happened to me. Was pointed to this canny which has a lot of the same symptoms
This also happens on PC.
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