[1582] allow node movement to be set to "teleport to next node" per node for multi-shot dolly paths
The dolly path system lets me select to repeat or loop a path after the last point into the first point. For some camera moves it would be much nicer to allow me to set up a multiple 2 point straight moves on a single track and then have the camera teleport between these straight moves.
Having the property of a node that tells the camera to either
"move to next node" or "teleport to next node" to allow for these kind of abilities.
The path calculations should (when using loose or fitted) also avoid trying to bend around to match the path connection when this is specified.
This would allow you to make a 3 nice straight dolly shots with a single 6 point line.
having point 2 and 4 set to "teleport" while 1 3 and 5 are set to "move"
This is mostly a feature for live-stream usecases as film-shoot recordings can just cut a long take into different shots in post
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