[1481] The IK of the left hand has a strange offset position.
meronmks / めろん
We don't know the exact condition to explain this, but as shown in the video, the position of the hand of the avatar and the position of the controller are misaligned.
Changing avatars sometimes fixes this.
But after switching to hand tracking, it happens again when you grip the controller again.
==Original Japanese text==
The specific conditions for reproducing this symptom are unknown, but as shown in the video, the position of the avatar's hand and the position of the controller are misaligned.
It is sometimes corrected by changing avatars.
However, after switching to Hand Tracking, when I hold the controller again, this symptom occurs again.
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We are convinced that this is currently an issue on the driver side and not VRChat, so we'll close this task for the time being. If this isn't fixed by driver-side updates in a reasonable amount of time we will re-investigate.
So far I have had this bug 100% of the time I've tried the Beta. I've tried turning off the forward tracking data and loading VRC and turning it back on and loading VRC, but it hasn't worked.
meronmks / めろん
Rather than having the bug again in build 1486, it seemed like the bug just didn't happen the last time.
It's like a bad dice.
I'm having this same bug myself. The only resolution is to disable the new feature entirely within virtual desktop by disabling hand tracking under both input and forwarding tracking data for the new beta. Enabling it again and then attempting to launch the game is like rolling a loaded dice in which I'm 90% guaranteed to have my left controller floating up and to the left of where it should be with NO solution other than what I just EXPLICITLY detailed above. Please fix it. I waited for so long to have this feature, I didn't ever compromise, don't make me have to now.
Odd thing, if you have the SteamVR overlay open, your hand goes back to the right position, but once you close it, it's offset again.
meronmks / めろん
This issue appears to have improved in build 1484.
Merged in a post:
1481. left controller offset hela woncky. VD
Left controller is way off with the 1.32.10 VD beta that enables vrchat handtracking
This can be fixed on Virtual Desktop by toggling hand tracking off and reopening VRC. This fix persists after reenabling hand tracking only once, then it reoccurs. Have seen this myself way more than I should've.
Have the same problem on Quest 2 using Virtual Desktop Beta 1.32.10 on the Open Beta 1481 whilst holding controllers.
Switch to hand tracking and the hands line up.
Switch back to live and the hands line up.
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