The "Details" section when viewing a world's page was changed in this beta to house 4 info panels per-line rather than 5 to better account for longer localization strings, which is valid, though now I feel as though the categories don't feel organized properly anymore.
The top row used to be for stuff directly related to the world itself, while the bottom line was for instance-related info. It was a lot easier to find the info you wanted at a glance because each piece of info sat next to everything in related "groups". Now that they're offset by 1, they kinda feel like they're placed arbitrarily.
This could be fixed by reordering them a number of ways, but my personal suggestion would be to simply move the "Size" panel to the end as it feels like it belongs the least in any other 'visual groupings' and would allow for the 1st and 2nd rows to remain 'grouped' in a way that makes sense at a glance. The "Size" panel was also historically the odd-one-out in the old layout, so it wouldn't be that weird for it to simply move to a third row instead of jutting out from the right.
I've attached a quick edit of what I imagine this could look like.