[1433] Avatar Randomly Disappears for some reason, causing Animator Initialization Error Spam in Logs.
I honestly have no idea how this happened, but I'm reporting it regardless.
While that occurred twice with the private Avatar I was using, I pressed the "Report Bug" button to mark the Timestamp, so I'm hoping that worked. Seems I caught a buttload of Error Spam relating to the Animator.
See the Output Log here. It's too big to preview, so I couldn't use Pastebin: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ehbknsi6k5zsjc5hwls52/output_log_2024-03-21_20-11-28.txt?rlkey=znrvmuzgtfpxhu0fcj0mdf0ti&dl=0
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Hello! Thanks for reporting this. Was this a one time thing or does it happen regularly? Do you have any kind of repro for this to happen?
StormRel I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. I was laying down and looking towards the Mirror when it happened. I can’t tell which in the FX Controller triggered it since it’s not explicitly stated in the Logs. Although I will mention that VRCFury built the Animator Controller.
As for the occurrence, it happened regularly to this specific avatar only (it’s written in the Logs although it’s private). It was compiled using the previous SDK 3.5.1 version.
BluWizard: I've reproduced the issue, and believe it or not it has to do with the Expressions Wing. You may notice the wing not working for the affected avatar, and once that happens it is eligible to disappear into the void within 60 seconds exactly. As a workaround, set your wings to not include the expressions wing for now, or don't use that avatar. We'll have a fix in the next build.
Software is strange sometimes.
_tau_ Is this something that VRCFury is causing that it should not be doing in the future to avoid issues like this?
_tau_ That must explain the weirdness with the Expressions Wing. Was wondering why it dead stopped working in the Open Beta.
But yeah, I personally use the Expressions Wing A LOT as I like using it as a second way to access my Expression Menus.
Thanks for confirming this! Hope it gets patched soon!
_tau_ I've been having the same avatar disappearing issue [persists until restarting VRChat], however it appears to happen when I switch avatars in specific worlds, especially compute intensive ones [Such as Terrors of Nowhere!]
However, it appears to make your avatar not show in:
- Mirrors
- Cameras
- Face Mirrors
but not yourself, I've coined the term "Vampire Bug," since you cannot see any form of yourself except the one anchored to your viewpoint.
SenkyDragon: No, this is an internal issue only. Specifically, empty titles for menu entries are causing this, but we have a fix already. No action from VRCFury should be required.