[1381] Quest emission and some material animations are broken
The Standard Lite shader was updated, but it breaks emission and some offset animations on avatars. Reuploading the avatar with the latest SDK does not fix this issue. Below I have provided pictures of before (Live) and after (Open Beta).
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Oh and this is broken on PC too, not just the Quest...
For a temporary fix, until they figure it out and release a patch, do the following to fix the emissive issue:
- Open the shader in visual studio (either by double clicking the shader (VRChat-Mobile-StandardLite) in the project browser or clicking "edit" in the material, next to the shader dropdown
- Find and comment out the line (should be line 18)[Toggle(_EMISSION)]_EnableEmission("Enable Emission", int) = 0"
- Under "CGPROGRAM" (line 38) add a new line: #define _EMISSION 1
If this workaround causes a shader compile error, then just comment out line 46 (#pragma multi_compile _ _EMISSION)
This will permanently enable emissive on all materials using this shader. You wont see any changes on materials that use the standard lite shader if you didn't set an emissive value as it's 0 by default. This will also incur a (very) small performance hit as the shader will always do an extra multiplication for the emissive channel. But at least your stuff will work again.
The Standard lite shader has this bug in worlds as well. I use it extensively with emissive maps, and as soon as you save your scene, all of the emissive surfaces go dark.
You have to go through all of the materials using "standard lite" (and having an emissive property set), one by one, and open the material dropdown , this brings back the emissivity.
But there is no way to upload a world correctly, because upon build the scene is saved and all of the emissive surfaces again go dark....This is a huge issue, completely breaks anything that uses standard lite with emissive...
This post was marked as
available in future release
Well that explains some things! Appears to be a Unity bug (or at least, changed behavior) between Unity 2019 and 2022. No wonder all of this is so sudden!
Kamau Cyrus
Plz fix this update this update fucked our Avis plz fix it
This update is really fuck up
Davilos Can you link the avatar IDs of these avatars?
Feilen: Finch: avtr_7d751917-700c-429c-a4bd-66cb7d981641
Bandit (protogen): avtr_295e11f6-3d3a-41f6-a2fe-c4389769e4a5
The last avatar is a private blueprint
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