[1346] Earmuff cone not working properly
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The earmuff cone behavior seems to not be as strong as before, hearing someone in front of me sometimes sounds quieter than someone to my side.
Tested on Quest Pro speakers and Valve Index speakers.
I think this behavior is in the Live version as well.
No custom equalization being used.
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Hello! Thanks for reporting this. A number have updates have gone out since this post, could you confirm this issue is still occurring?
StormRel Weirdly, this issue seemed to be fixed in the open beta [1402] until the previous live update [1403], which seems to have broken it; however, it is very difficult to say for sure because it is inconsistent.
Tested yesterday on different instances with similar Earmuff settings, and some people talking diagonally to me seemed to be way louder than people in front of me, which were way too quiet by comparison.
Also, not sure if related, but their equalization seemed off? I think their voice sounded more muffled and bassy compared to before.
Ghostt: Could you try and record a video of this? I'm trying to match your settings in the screenshot, but I'm struggling to reproduce the issue.
StormRel Exploring it further, unfortunately I can't show any videos. But I can say that it doesn't seem to be earmuff causing the issue, but the general audio calculation.
It seems very inconsistent: sometimes people in front of me sound way quieter compared to people beside me, making them really hard to understand. Sometimes people are just really quiet and other times they are very loud.
I have a condition that sometimes it gets difficult to understand words due to anxiety, so I'm not sure if it's that or if it's genuinely a bug that is gaslighting me. But I've had other people in the same instance recognize the issue.
From what I remember:
Club Fishbowl (wrld_c0683904-7b49-4fd6-86db-7a9fc41bc4df) - people beside me sounded really loud compared to the ones in-front of me .
The Great Pug (wrld_6caf5200-70e1-46c2-b043-e3c4abe69e0f) - people sounded generally quiet in some instances.
I'm sorry I can't provide specific repro steps. I can only say that I don't remember having to change my player volume/earmuff settings this much compared to before.