Networked IK seems to have degradation issues for some users and just breaks after a while for them. I noticed this yesterday at the Community Meetup on the Open Beta Build 1167 with my friend MY_MAN.
His Networked IK would start off incredibly slow/delayed until it got worse and worse as the instance went on. It would take minutes at a time for him to move. His IK was completely working locally, but just wasn’t syncing for remote clients.
We could never figure out a root cause. Everything else related to players (Parameters, Voice, Objects, Udon stuff) all synced completely fine. He has a Core I9 9900K and the issue seemed unrelated to cpu load. He also has gigabit internet, and he was able to stream perfectly fine. (Ending stream also didn’t seem to affect it at all)
He also tried restarting his game and pc and re-installing the open beta. Neither improved the issue. The Networked IK issue happened in both the 80-person meetup instances and an instance with just 2 of us. The only fix was to switch back to Live. Live had no issues and synced IK perfectly for him. It’s a bug caused by the open beta seemingly.
I also recorded footage documenting the bug and our testing with it. Here’s a clip compilation of it I edited together:
It should hopefully show off the issue well. The first two clips have a comparison between my remote view and his local view from his stream
(Also, apologies for the poor framerate. This beta just had really terrible performance for me)
My friend MY_MAN and myself will continue to test this with upcoming betas. Let us know if we need to try anything or if a cause is found. We’re available most days to test it. Hopefully it can get fixed!