The string 17547
By clicking ‘Agree,’ I am agreeing to VRChat’s Privacy Policy.
appears at the right bottom of the Privacy Policy agreement screen, above agree button (see attached image). In Japanese mode, the sentence is truncated without line wrapping.
The translated string:
「同意する」をクリックすることで、VRChat のプライバシーポリシーに同意します。
It is chopped as:
「同意する」をクリックすることで、VRChat のプライバシーポリシーに
Accidentally and fortunately, 同意します means "I will agree", and the label of the button below 同意する is also "agree". It keeps the meaning unexpectedly.
Anyway, I think you (VRChat dev team) should investigate this issue whether same problem happens on another language. Since it is one time agreement screen, it is difficult for me to inspect it.