The Supported languages on the steam page are quite outdated. I higly suggest updating this, as it could encourage people whos first language is one of the three above to download the game, as they currently can't know that their native language is an option!
In VRChat fourteen (14) languages are available:
{"English", "en"},
{"German", "de"},
{"French", "fr"},
{"Japanese", "ja"},
{"Korean", "ko"},
{"Russian", "ru"},
{"Polish", "pl"},
{"Spanish (Spain)", "es"},
{"Italian", "it"},
{"Portuguese (Brazil)", "pt-BR"},
{"Chinese (Simplified, Mainland China)", "zh-CN"},
{"Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)", "zh-HK"},
{"Hebrew", "he"},
{"Tok Pisin", "tok"}
On the steam Page eleven (11) compatible languages are listed:
{"English", "en"},
{"German", "de"},
{"French", "fr"},
{"Italian", "it"},
{"Spanish (Spain)", "es"},
{"Japanese", "ja"},
{"Polish", "pl"},
{"Portuguese (Brazil)", "pt-BR"},
{"Russian", "ru"},
{"Chinese (Simplified, Mainland China)", "zh-CN"},
{"Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)", "zh-HK"}
The steam page is missing three (3) available languages:
{"Hebrew", "he"},
{"Tok Pisin", "tok"},
{"Korean", "ko"}
Sorry for the wonky formatting, all directly pulled from my notes