Change term "Uncompressed Size"
I believe term "Uncompressed Size" is not clear for end users with no advanced tech knowledge and vrchat experience, so should be changed.
Main reasons:
- It refers to under hood implementation/process terms - "compression" / "decompression" / "uncompressed", that does notdirectly involve end user, and theycannotdirectly affect it, so it isexcessiveandnot necessaryto refer.
- The setting actually about the system resource-runtime memory, which is being managed by this setting. It must be clear and focus on exactly that, user should easily understand thatthey manage the resource usage there, not some processing, this must be theirfirst thought.
- End user can misunderstand this as something related to caching/storage, as "compression" and "size" is more often used speaking about files and storage in user's daily practice. Most users do not think and talk about RAM / VRAM that often.
I suggest something like "
Max Avatar Memory Usage
", or simply "Maximum Memory Usage
", as it already in avatar menu section.Reference to "uncompressed size" might be kept in the tooltip as extra context/info. Might also be clarified that it is about exactly RAM usage of avatar.
Even @Fax refers to this setting as "maximum estimated memory usage" in this canny post which is very good, clear and easy to understand.
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The absolute irony that Tupper said they were apparently concerned about the feature being implemented because they couldn't decide what to name it.