I believe term "Uncompressed Size" is not clear for end users with no advanced tech knowledge and vrchat experience, so should be changed.
Main reasons:
  • It refers to under hood implementation/process terms - "compression" / "decompression" / "uncompressed", that does
    directly involve end user, and they
    directly affect it, so it is
    not necessary
    to refer.
  • The setting actually about
    the system resource
    runtime memory
    , which is being managed by this setting. It must be clear and focus on exactly that, user should easily understand that
    they manage the resource usage there
    , not some processing, this must be their
    first thought
  • End user can misunderstand this as something related to caching/storage, as "compression" and "size" is more often used speaking about files and storage in user's daily practice. Most users do not think and talk about RAM / VRAM that often.
I suggest something like "
Max Avatar Memory Usage
", or simply "
Maximum Memory Usage
", as it already in avatar menu section.
Reference to "uncompressed size" might be kept in the tooltip as extra context/info. Might also be clarified that it is about exactly RAM usage of avatar.
Even @Fax refers to this setting as "maximum estimated memory usage" in this canny post https://feedback.vrchat.com/avatar-30/p/add-uncompressed-size-limit-to-avatars which is very good, clear and easy to understand.