Some avatars labeled as iOS compatible will actually appear as error avatars (except public avatars)
available in future release
- Open VRChat
- Select some avatar with "iOS" label on upper-right
- Selected avatar is appearing as an error avatar
The above issue was observed in all the avatars I uploaded. However, this issue was not observed in Public avatars and they were displayed normally.
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available in future release
If you try to display an Android-compatible avatar (without an iOS build) on iOS, an error occurs. It seems that an iOS build is required at this time.
Some of the publicly available avatars are usable because they have been converted by VRChat staff.
By the way, when I built my own avatar for iOS, it worked without any problems. (Well, that's to be expected.)
It is inconvenient that the supported platforms display does not change even after building for iOS. (PC, Android, iOS)
I saw this post get marked with the “needs more information” tag, so I guess I can try to explain what I think is happening here…
The avatars that we’re trying to use are uploaded to android only, but VRChat says that it’s available for iOS when there isn’t a build for it at all. Since there’s no auto-conversion for avatars yet (to my knowledge), VRChat tries to load it and fails.
Long story short, VRChat may be trying to load something that it says exists, but it doesn’t and fails.
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needs more information
Merged in a post:
Bug report
1) Avatars uploaded for IOS specifically do not load
2) menu clips through the walls of the world
3) above the users name, I does not say IOS, or android, it says “quest” for some reason.
iPhone 15, iOS 17.5.1
Merged in a post:
Custom avatars giving errors
GABI Carvalho
Every single avatars that are not made by vr chat gives an error for some reason, even if they are mobile supported:
My device is a iPhone 14 IOS 17.5.1
GABI Carvalho
I am having the same problem
Merged in a post:
Android compatible (iOS) avatars cannot be used
iPhone 13 Pro
iOS 18.0 (22A5326f)
VRChat 2024.2.3 (333)
I can't use it even though it shows PC, Android, and iOS.
I am having an odd variation of this where I uploaded my avatar to iOS on the new beta SDK. It successfully uploaded however I cannot switch into it. Are very poor avatars disabled for the beta?
pinkiceygirl yes, you cant load into any avatars labelled as Very Poor, same as Android Mobile i believe, tupper confirmed its not a bug
Pokéduel got it, thanks lol I’ll upload an optimized version then!
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